Node Differences & Benefits
Member Node Benefits (10+ Nodes):
40% trading fee discount
30% referral fee commission
Priority access to JuCoin events, including exclusive campaigns and new token purchases
24/7 customer support
Priority access to general investment products
Agent Node Benefits (50+ Nodes):
50% trading fee discount
Higher percentage of JuCoin's daily trading fee revenue
40% referral fee commission
Exclusive access to special events and global summits
Participation rights in decision-making and recommendations
One-on-one service from a dedicated customer manager
Priority participation in high-yield and customized financial products
Member Node
Agent Node
Trading Fee Discount
Trading Fee dividend
shares 10% of total trading fee
Referral Commission
JuCoin Events
exclusive campaigns and new token purchases
special events and global summits
Customer services
24/7 customer support
dedicated customer manager
Community Rights
Right to vote, decision-making and recommendations
Exclusive Earn&Yield Products
General Products
high-yield and customized financial products
Last updated